Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Looking forward to 2008...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I always get excited about the thought of a new year. I am the type of person that actually likes to make New Year's resolutions and stick to them. There's something about the change from one year to another in the blink of an eye that always makes me feel excited something unexpected is about to happen, something wonderful! I've struggled with IC for 2 years and every year I feel that same way as I do right now-hopeful. Although I have had some really rough times, I do pray that 2008 will bring some rebuilding and renewal of my mind, body and spirit. I also hope that some new medical advances will be made in the treatment of the mystery that is IC. As for my current medical treatment, I am continuing to see a pelvic floor physical therapist in an attempt to retrain my pelvic floor muscles. Currently, I am not taking any medications except for the occassional oxybuturin when the frequency is out of control. I have an appointment next week with my trusted internal medicine doctor to have her review all the tests I've had done over the last year and get a second opinion. I am more or less starting from "square one." My main mission is to try to figure out how to get the repeated infectoins I experience under control. I will keep the updates coming...

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