Thursday, October 25, 2007

The same old pattern

You know the saying, "No news is good news," right? Well, that's not necessarily the case with IC. Often times "no news" means you are too tired or don't feel well enough to sit at the computer and type something. That's been my situation for about the last week or so. Two weeks ago I went out of town to Minnesota for a wedding and actually had quite a nice time. I have recently encountered a few articles about how chiropractics can help to decrease the urinary frequency associated with IC through adjustments. While in Minnesota, I went to visit my old, trusted chiropractor that used to treat me when I was in high school. He made a few adjustments to my back and the spasms in bladder really did decrease! I was able to do quite a bit of driving around over that weekend without a lot of trouble. Since back in Chicago, I have added a chiropractor that utilizes the same techniques as the one in Minnesota to my treatment regime. I have had two visits, both of which have seemed to temporarily decrease the frequency. The problem is that I am not certain if I can tolerate the personality of this guy for too much longer. He asks a lot of personal questions in a rather unprofessional manner. I feel like I am a fly on the wall in a men's locker room when he talks sometimes. I may just have to say something to him. I know that the obvious solution is to stop going to him, but I have to be honest. I don't know if I have the motivation at this point to leave, go somewhere else and tell my whole story yet again. He thinks he might be able to help me (as has everyone else I've ever gone to), but if his manner doesn't change in the next visit or so, I will stop going to him. In addition, I have recently contracted yet again another bladder infection, followed by the inevitable yeast infection after a course of antibiotics. It will take a serious of a few weeks to get that all cleared up. Until it's cleared up, I will not be able to get much sleep during the night do to the urinary frequency (it's about every 30-60 minutes around the clock). If I don't sound so chipper, it's because I am not right now. Things will get better sometime though...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Raising Awareness about IC

Yesterday's addition of the Daily Herald (Chicago's Suburban newspaper) featured an article about interstitial cystitis . The patient interviewed in the article is Barbara Zarnikow, the IC support group leader of the Park Ridge support group that I have been attending. You can read the article at the link below. Check it out and learn a little more about IC!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Only a prayer...

Well, I had a short lived Elmiron trial. I began taking it last Tuesday and stopped taking it on Sunday. I know that it can take 3-6 months before you really notice a difference, but I just felt so sick after taking it. I had developed a dull ache under the right ribcage. At night, It was actually difficult to sleep on my right side. I also felt just sort-of all over achy. When I examined the bottle, I realized the prescription had expired. I am not sure if that's why I felt so poorly. Regardless, I have an appointment with my urogynecologist on Monday so we will see what he says. Maybe he will want to try it again. For now, I am back at square one with only a prayer...I am a bit discouraged by the whole thing. I realized today that the goal of any treatment should be to improve one's quality of life. If I am having an ache under my ribcage, can't sleep and feel general lethargy, then my quality of life really hasn't improved much. Again, pretty frustrating.

I just got home from my acupuncture appointment. I have noticed a temporary reduction in frequency, urgency and spasms for a few hourse following my appointments. Today, I am going to start to use Chinese herbs along with the acupuncture. I have taken so many herbs already that I don't hold out much hope, but I guess it's not going to kill me to give it a try. Again, I am just praying that there is help, relief, improvement, a cure, reduction of symptons, better quality of life (you get the point) from something.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The sad passing of natural medicine...

Eventually, I will get back to my story of how I got to this point with IC, but for now, I must deal with the present...

On Friday I went to have a nutritional microscopy test performed in Milwaukee, WI (there is no one trained in this test in the city of Chicago). This is a test where both live and dry blood stains were taken and viewed under a microscope. I was hoping it would give me some answers. The test revealed that my red blood cells lacked nutrients and oxygen. Also, my white blood cells were not doing an effective job of removing toxins and debris from my blood. In addition, bacteria, acid crystals, yeast and parasites were visible in the blood. Dr. Young (author of Sick and Tired) believes that these things are present in the blood and and tissues due to an increase in acidity in the body. He believes that by bringing the body into a more alkaline state, the body can have the fuel it needs to repair itself. I believe his theory might be right. The problem is I am not sure if I have the patience to continue trying the "holistic' route. IC has consumed 2 years of of my life and I AM "sick and tired" of it! I want my life back! I want to be able to LIVE and not constantly have to feel pain the the urge to go to the bathroom day and night. I want to be able to eat food! I am sick of spending most of my money on trying to get better.

In search of yet another remedy, I went for an acupuncture session last night. I have been doing some research and acupuncture has been providing some relief for bladder spasms in many IC patients. I went in to the appointment with horrible pain and spasms in the bladder due to some sunflower seeds I ate. By the time I left, my spasms had almost disappeared and I was able to sleep quite well last night. I am definitely going to continue with my appointments for awhile. At least it decreases some symptoms.

As I was driving around working today, I think I decided to give Elmiron a chance. I have been trying unceasingly to find a natural alternative, something to heal the bladder. But, I have not had a lot of success, nor do I have the strength to keep searching. Maybe amongst all the herbs and natural medicines of the world hides something that can cure IC, but I am tired of looking. I am sure I have tried hundreds of things by now, with little to no success. So, against all personal beliefs and philosophies, I am going to try taking it. I have decided getting my life back is more important than finding a natural alternative. We'll see how long I stick with it. I worry about the side effects, potentially toxic side effects of most medications.