Monday, October 8, 2007

Only a prayer...

Well, I had a short lived Elmiron trial. I began taking it last Tuesday and stopped taking it on Sunday. I know that it can take 3-6 months before you really notice a difference, but I just felt so sick after taking it. I had developed a dull ache under the right ribcage. At night, It was actually difficult to sleep on my right side. I also felt just sort-of all over achy. When I examined the bottle, I realized the prescription had expired. I am not sure if that's why I felt so poorly. Regardless, I have an appointment with my urogynecologist on Monday so we will see what he says. Maybe he will want to try it again. For now, I am back at square one with only a prayer...I am a bit discouraged by the whole thing. I realized today that the goal of any treatment should be to improve one's quality of life. If I am having an ache under my ribcage, can't sleep and feel general lethargy, then my quality of life really hasn't improved much. Again, pretty frustrating.

I just got home from my acupuncture appointment. I have noticed a temporary reduction in frequency, urgency and spasms for a few hourse following my appointments. Today, I am going to start to use Chinese herbs along with the acupuncture. I have taken so many herbs already that I don't hold out much hope, but I guess it's not going to kill me to give it a try. Again, I am just praying that there is help, relief, improvement, a cure, reduction of symptons, better quality of life (you get the point) from something.

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