Saturday, March 15, 2008

My New Plan of Attack

So I am finally at my wits end with these UTI-like symtoms I have been experiencing for several months now. It comes on strong (most of the time out of nowhere), improves with antibiotics and then comes back again. Lately, I've been doing ALOT of research on UTI's and I have found some good info on the use of probiotics for both treatment and prevention of infections. I am using probiotics from a company called "Custom Probiotics" in California. It comes in a powder form and does not have any additives. It has taken many months to find something my bladder could tolerate. Since IC patients are not able to drink the normally recommended cranberry juice, I am using blueberry juice also. So far, it is not bothering my bladder. Recommendations on other health websites are to drink two 8-ounce glasses of blueberry juice daily to prevent the adherence of bacteria to the bladder wall as well as taking the probiotics twice daily. I feel like a broken record always writing about this never-ending infection, but that's the real life struggles of someone living with IC. Let's hope this helps...

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