Monday, February 18, 2008

The birth of New Dawn Pilates...coming soon!

Well, I am still going through the whole UTI/UTI symptoms thing. It's frustrating because the only time it seems to feel better is when I am on an antibiotic. I feel now though that I am pigeon-holed into everyone thinking this is an "IC flare-up." This could be something different. Anyway, I made an appointment with a new doctor at Rush University Medical Center. They have a specific program called the Center for Abdominal and Pelvic Health. I am going to place a lot of emphasis on the fact that this whole thing started after a stupid surgery and that I feel like I keep getting UTI's. Hopefully, this doctor will have some good ideas. On a good note...Tom and I just finished our first DVD entitled "New Dawn Pilates-a pilates inspired workout adapted for people with pelvic pain." We are awaiting a response from the owner for the IC Network to see if she is interested in carrying the DVD. Keep your fingers crossed. We are really excited about this. This is the first of what I hope is many DVDs. From all those who have seen it, we have gotten good reviews.

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