Saturday, September 15, 2007

Rewind to April 2006

I failed to mention earlier that at the same time I was dealing with the concerns of the bladder, I was also planning my wedding. My wedding was scheduled for November 4th in my hometown of Winona, Minnesota I believe the stress of not knowing what was happening to my body and simultaneously trying to plan a wedding was beginning to really take it's toll on my body. My hair began falling out so severely that I began to have a receding hair line and was rapidly loosing weight. I was constantly exhausted. My symptoms increased dramatically in April 2006. My fiance and I had gone to Minnesota to begin the wedding planning process. We had arranged appointments to see the church, meet with the pastor, see the reception hall, taste the cake, sample the food from the catering company and meet with the photographer. We were only in town for a few days, so our appointments were scheduled one right after another. This particular weekend however, I had experienced a frequency of urination unlike any other. I was going to the bathroom every 20 minutes around the clock, day and night. I would lay in bed crying and praying that God would help me. The pain was excruciating. I considered going to the emergency room, but I knew they couldn't help me. No one had yet figured out what I had. I called my urologist back in Chicago and scheduled an appointment for when I returned, hoping I could just make it a few more days. This trip to the urologist yielded a urinalysis which was negative, a prescription for a drug called Elmiron and an order for pelvic floor physical therapy. Still no diagnosis and not much hope. At this point, I decided I would call my GYN and ask for a recommendation for a urogynecologist. I had to keep searching for answers and searching for someone who might be able to tell me what was happening to my body.

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