Monday, August 27, 2007

March 2006 "Don't ever let anyone stick a razor blade in your bladder!"

I returned to the urologist for an appointment following the trial of Detrol LA. After explaining to him the difficulty I had with the medication, the doctor decided that it was necessary to perform a cystoscopy on the spot. A small camera was inserted into the urethra and slowly advanced into the bladder. This allows the doctor to look at areas of the bladder and urethra that usually do not show up well on X-rays. I asked the doctor if this procedure was painful and he replied, "I don't think so. I've never really had anyone say anything about it." As the doctor began to insert the camera, I was shocked at how painful the procedure was. I informed the doctor, "The next time someone asks you if this is painful the correct answer is 'Yes!' Infact, it feels like you're inserting a razor blade!" I could feel the "cutting" sensation for several hours after the procedure. Following the cystoscopy, the doctor told me that I did not have any ulcers in the bladder and that my bladder look "normal." Several months later I learned that Hunner's ulcers are only present in 7-14% of interstitial cystitis cases. This urologist never considered the fact that I could have interstitial cystitis without ulcers. I was not yet knowledgeable about this condiion so was unable to make the suggestion to the doctor myself. Again I left the urologist with samples and a prescription, this time for a drug called Prosed. Another drug that turns your urine colors, can stain your clothes and your eyeballs...

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