Saturday, July 28, 2007

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Day to Day Fight

Tom and I were married on November 4th, 2006. Quite honestly, it has not been easy. We have certainly had our fair share of conflicts and arguments, the usual things that two people have to go through as they try to mesh their lives together. However, our situation is anything but usual. In December of 2005, I developed a bladder disease called interstitial cystitis following a simple laporoscopy to remove an ovarian cyst. I went in to the procedure "normal" and came out with bladder problems. Almost immediately, I had severe pain, pressure and difficulty urinating. In the beginning, it would take me 10 minutes and severe straining just to urinate. Everyone told me it would probably go away. After several months of waking up 8 to 10 times a night, I realized things were not getting any better. The pain was almost unbearable at times and I wished that I would cease to exist. I had severe cramping, burning and pressure. The best description of the pain I can give is like saying I had a charlie horse, a blow torch and a brick layer all wreaking havoc on the bladder at the same time. Nothing would take it away and I felt as though my life was slipping away. I have experienced that agony for several months now, both before and after I got married. As I struggle daily, sometimes constantly, to overcome interstitial cystitis my husband is there reminding me that there is still more to my life and loving me even though our situation is far from usual or normal. My optimistic side hopes that one day I will look back on this and be thankful for the person it made me. To date, IC remains quite a mystery for the health profession. It is often difficult to find resources as well as advice for day to day living with this disease. The intention of this blog is to share my story, both tiny steps forward and what sometimes seem like giant steps backward, so that others will know they are not alone in this battle. I will continue to tell my story, so please check back often. I am thankful for the the support of my husband, parents and friends. Even though they can't fully understand how difficult this is, they sure try their hardest to do so.

Be encouraged,